Open World Combat Activities
Ambushes - Outposts - Checkpoints - Anti-Air Sites
Ambush activities appear in the open world, and when players approach, allied guerillas lie in wait for the player to begin attacking enemy soldiers who are protecting supplies, which completes when the player claims them.
Outposts are open world activities where the player must takeover a heavily defended stronghold from enemy forces, and may do so with any approach they like, be it stealth or full frontal assault.
The Acid Plant outpost served as the benchmark for Montreal Studio's mandate during production. This outpost layout was realized in conjunction with the development of the LD Catwalk kit I created.
Another outpost that was used to benchmark the LD Catwalk kit as well as test RLD.
Checkpoints are facilities spread throughout the road network which impede the Guerillas’ circulation throughout the world.
The player can assault them to takeover the locations, which then serves as a Fast Travel point, and in turn impedes the enemy forces from moving about.
Anti-Air Sites are small outposts that hinder the player’s ability to travel in the air in the open world, until they take them out. Once the Anti-Air gun is destroyed, the player is free to travel in the airspace that was previously restricted.
This is also where players find Depleted Uranium, a rare resource found uniquely within these sites, which allows the player to purchase and unlock Supremos and Resolver Weapons.